The Internet of Things (IoT) has an essential component in free and open source software, and this will be topic of our next DLA Piper webinar on 20 May 2015 at 4 pm UK time!

After the success of our first IoT webinar with over 350 attendees, here is the next DLA Piper IoT event.  This webinar will focus on legal issues of free and open source in the IoT covering some of the topics relating to the interoperability between Internet of Things platforms that I covered in this blog post.  And it will also be the opportunity to touch some of the legal issues that will be covered in the Internet of Things consultation just launched by the Italian privacy authority.

The speakers will be my colleagues Mark O’Conor and Mark Radcliffe together with Philip DesAutels, Sr. Director of IoT, Linux Foundation and Ian Skerrett, Director, Marketing, Eclipse Foundation.

You will be able to follow the discussions and comments on the webinar on Twitter through the hashtag #DLAPiperIoT that I encourage you to use to engage in the conversation and address questions.

You can register HERE for the webinar and I hope you will enjoy it!
