On 25 March 2024, the Cabinet Office published Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 02/24: Improving Transparency of AI use in Procurement.  This PPN provides guidance on the use by bidders of Artificial Intelligence in public procurements and in the delivery of government services.  In particular, it highlights the need for

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After years of intense negotiation, EU stakeholders have finally reached political agreement on the long-awaited EU Artificial Intelligence Act (“EU AI Act“), which was first published by the European Commission (“EC“) on 21 April 2021. Following the final trilogues, the Council of the EU released the

Continue Reading Fundamental Rights Impact Assessments under the EU AI Act: Who, what and how?

The sci-fi fascination with AI is well established, long in the tooth and a lazy way of looking at the opportunities (and moreover the threats) presented by AI. But perhaps these once-fantastical ideas are rapidly becoming technological reality. That legislators, including the UK’s House of Lords, are looking seriously at

Continue Reading Building a smarter smartbomb: The Government responds to the House of Lords AI in Weapon Systems Committee

On 2nd February 2024 the House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee (HoL) published its report on large language models (LLMs).

That report covered a variety of topics, with attention on two in particular:

  • what the HoL refers to as the ‘Goldilocks problem’ – or
Continue Reading Model behaviour: accountability, copyright, and the House of Lords Report on LLMs – Part 2

While much attention has been paid to the finalisation of the EU’s AI Act in recent weeks, developments in AI continue at a frenetic rate. On 2nd February 2024 the House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee (HoL) published its report on large language models (LLMs

Continue Reading Who’s been regulating my AI?: Goldilocks and the House of Lords Report on LLMs and Generative AI

The UK space sector is at a critical juncture.

Space presents an abundance of opportunities – thousands of satellites are expected to be launched between now and 2030 as technology and processes continue to be developed which increasingly facilitate novel and innovative missions (particularly with the assistance of AI and

Continue Reading UK Space Agency undertakes consultation on orbital liabilities, insurance, charging and sustainability

Ofcom has released a draft of its proposed Plan of Work for FY 2024-25 for consultation.  

The proposed Plan of Work sets out Ofcom’s key priorities and work programmes for the 2024/25 financial year, and also provides an insight into key regulatory developments that will emerge or are likely

Continue Reading UK spectrum regulation: Regulatory developments which satellite operators can expect for FY 2024/25

There are a multitude of cases around the world at present regarding AI created works and copyright infringement. Various of them emanate from the US, with the claimants (ranging from high profile celebrities to large publishers) alleging that their copyrighted works were used to train LLMs without permission in a

Continue Reading A prompt decision: when is instructing a machine enough to claim authorship?

The insolvency of a key supplier can have a significant (and potentially catastrophic) impact on a customer’s business. It can affect the customer’s ability to meet obligations it owes to its customers and other counterparties as well as regulatory requirements. All customers should ensure that they have robust internal processes

Continue Reading Managing Supplier Financial Distress – Contractual Protections for Customers