Imagine a modern-day meeting room in a bustling corporate office, where executives and employees alike converse in hushed tones, no notes or minutes are taken, and their words disappear almost as quickly as they are spoken. Picture the scene: a CEO dispatches a critical strategy to her team, a manager

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On 29 March 2023, the UK Government (“Government”) published its long-awaited white paper (“Paper”), setting out the Government’s proposals to govern and regulate artificial Intelligence (“AI”). Headed “A Pro-Innovation Approach”, the Paper recognises the importance of building a framework that builds trust

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Data protection and privacy regulation in most, or even all, African countries are often less mature – particularly when compared to the EU’s General Data Protection (GDPR) regime. As such, economies on the continent present both risks and opportunities when it comes to data.

At the recent Africa Tech Summit
Continue Reading Data: Africa’s “new blood”, rather than the “new oil”