New satellite services are in development which will permit satellites to communicate directly with unmodified end user phones. These services fall into a category of satellite services known as direct to device services, or “D2D” services. In addition to these services, a number of other innovative “mobile satellite services” in

Continue Reading Direct to device satellite services and MSS services: Upcoming regulatory changes

Ofcom has released a draft of its proposed Plan of Work for FY 2024-25 for consultation.  

The proposed Plan of Work sets out Ofcom’s key priorities and work programmes for the 2024/25 financial year, and also provides an insight into key regulatory developments that will emerge or are likely

Continue Reading UK spectrum regulation: Regulatory developments which satellite operators can expect for FY 2024/25

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New mobile roaming alert – protections for UK holidaymakers

Ofcom opens consultation on mobile roaming, LNB News 20/07/2023 83

Ofcom has opened a consultation that sets out proposals for new rules and guidance

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On 21 October, Ofcom announced that it was revising its guidance on net neutrality. Otherwise referred to as ‘open internet’ net neutrality is the principle that users of the internet should be in control of what they see and do online – rather than the providers. Rules on net neutrality

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On Friday 17 June 2022, Ofcom announced a new set of rules coming into force requiring customers of telecoms services (including broadband, mobile and landline services) to be provided with “short and simple” contract details when signing up to a new deal, and an expanded right to exit from their
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In the UK, Ofcom is responsible for, among other things, authorising and moderating use of radio spectrum. This is done through the granting of licences under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 or by making regulations exempting the use of particular equipment from the need to obtain such a licence. As
Continue Reading Ofcom proceeds with implementing the Wireless Telegraphy (Mobile Repeater) (Exemption) Regulations 2022

On 15 March 2022, Ofcom published a proposed Space Spectrum Strategy (Strategy) for consultation. The Strategy replaces an existing Space Spectrum Strategy published by Ofcom in 2017 and specifically sets out practical work actions Ofcom will focus on over the next two to four years.

Due to the
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This year has seen several pieces of legislation, regulations, and other instruments, released by the UK Government under a broader package of measures to maintain and enhance the security of communications networks and services in the UK. This includes, among others, the Telecommunications (Security) Act 2021 (the “Security Act
Continue Reading Telecoms security: Draft Ofcom compliance guidance and resilience guidelines released for consultation

In November 2021, DLA Piper reported on the new Telecommunications (Security) Act 2021 (the “Security Act”), which amends the existing telecoms security regime in place under the Communications Act 2003 (the “Communications Act”).

The Security Act establishes the overarching security obligations of telecoms providers, and provides
Continue Reading Draft Telecoms Security Regulations and Code of Practice released for consultation

On 17 November 2021, the Telecommunications (Security) Act 2021 (the “Security Act”) was passed into law.
The Security Act will amend the existing security duties under the Communications Act 2003 (the “Communications Act”) which are applicable to providers of Public Electronic Communications Networks (“PECNs”)
Continue Reading Telecommunications (Security) Act 2021: New security obligations on providers of communications networks and services, and new powers for Ofcom to enforce compliance