In the competitive world of personal finance banks are continuously looking for new ideas to gain a small commercial advantage over the competition. Consequently, we have seen the introduction of internet banking and more recently the conduct of transactional banking on mobile phones. Into this crowded arena the Commonwealth Bank
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Digital Commerce
New EU Roaming Rules — Implications for MVNOs
New rules dealing with international roaming within the European Union came into force on 1 July and some of their detail has potentially significant implications for Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) who have already been in operation for some time, as well as for new ones.
The third roaming regulation…
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Local Broadband Subsidies – UK risks legal challenges with new approach
Broadband Delivery UK (“BDUK”) applied to the European Commission in December last year for State aid clearance for its up to £830 million plan to support around 40 local broadband projects throughout the UK up to the end of 2017. According to the BDUK notification, the purpose of making a…
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Social Media and Legal Professional Ethics
I was reading a post from a prominent social media “expert” providing advice for lawyers using social media. In the post, among other advice, the expert recommended that lawyers look through twitter posts for people with problems and then offer to solve their problems by contacting the individuals via twitter. …
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SOPA Protests of January 18, 2012
Many people have been following the progress of the legislation introduced in the House of Representatives as the Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA) pretty closely for some time now. Today’s protests by popular websites Wikipedia and Google, however, brought much more attention to the legislation. Wikipedia blocked access to its…
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