Written by Patrick van Eecke and Atoon Dierick
On 6 July 2015, the European Commission launched a public consultation on the current Audiovisual Media Services Directive 2010/13/EU (“AVMSD”), entitled “A media framework for the 21st century”.
The aim of this public consultation, launched as a result of the rapidly shifting media landscape, is to invite all stakeholders, ranging from market players to individual users of audiovisual media services, to share their views on an array of issues related to the AVMSD in order to review the existing rules and offer a regulatory environment for audiovisual media services fit for the digital era.
Through the public consultation, the respondents can express their views specifically on several detailed questions which are structured by the Commission around six key topics, such as creating a level playing field, enhancing consumer protection, promoting European audiovisual content, etc. Questions include whether respondents are of the opinion that the geographical and material scope of the rules of the AVMSD are still relevant, effective and fair, whether the rules on commercial communications need to be amended, whether the distinction between broadcasting and on-demand services in relation to the protection of minors is still justifiable, etc.
The review of the AVMSD is one of sixteen key action points, presented by the Juncker Commission on 6 May 2015, in its Strategy to complete the Digital Single Market.
On the basis of the outcome of the public consultation, the Commission may propose a review of the AVMSD. The public consultation will run until 30 September 2015.
Should you have any questions about this consultation, please contact Patrick Van Eecke (Patrick.vanEecke@dlapiper.com ) or Antoon Dierick (Antoon.dierick@dlapiper.com)