Imagine a modern-day meeting room in a bustling corporate office, where executives and employees alike converse in hushed tones, no notes or minutes are taken, and their words disappear almost as quickly as they are spoken. Picture the scene: a CEO dispatches a critical strategy to her team, a manager

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From the browser on a smartphone, to word processing software, to an entire operating system, Open Source Software (Open Source) is so ubiquitous that you’re likely using it without even realising. So, what is it and why do we care about it in the context of an M&A transaction?


Continue Reading ‘To the left, to the left: All the IP you ‘own’ in the box to the (copy)left’: Open Source Software issues in M&A transactions

In the wake of several high-profile cybersecurity incidents, President Biden yesterday issued an “Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity.”

The Order sets forth new requirements for federal agencies and government service providers and addresses topics including updating government contracts to remove barriers to sharing threat information, modernizing federal government
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