Photo of Anne Friedman

Written by Ben Goodall

The pace of innovation and adoption in technology – fast and getting faster – has long presented a stark contrast to the deliberate pace of change in the law. That contrast is greater than ever today, as entrepreneurs and established tech companies alike accelerate the time
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Written by Roxanne Chow

As speculation on the identity of the inventor of Bitcoin continues (see the article “The long search for Satoshi Nakamoto”:, so too does the question of how we can widen the application of blockchain technology to other areas.

The key attributes of blockchain technology are
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Written by Hugh Goodwin

After a slew of negative publicity and business community backlash in the wake of the June 2015 issuance of Lease Tax Ruling #12, the Chicago Department of Finance has offered relief for prior non-payment of the Chicago Lease Tax, provided that a voluntary disclosure application is
Continue Reading Deadline to file for Chicago Lease Tax relief is 1/1/16: remotely accessed software providers take note

Written by Joanna Sykes-Saavedra and Greg Manter

In complex sourcing transactions, all sides are quick on the draw with calculators at the ready when it comes to determining formulas for charges or caps on limitations for liability. However, another point of negotiation that similarly requires a sharp pencil is the
Continue Reading How Can A Month Have A Million Minutes? Measuring “Availability” for Your Data Center or Cloud Solution SLAs

Written by Kit Burden

For many years, the liability provisions regarding data protection issues have been something of a “negotiation backwater” in the context of outsourcing transactions. From a customer perspective, there has been a sensitivity about such provisions from a brand/customer relations perspective which has led them to seek
Continue Reading Data Protection Regulation – the coming storm for outsourcing contracts

Written by Brian Joe

The Internet of Things (IoT) – a network of devices connected through the internet offering almost limitless possibilities for convenience, efficiency, safety and control through remote sensing, monitoring, and, ultimately, learning – is quickly becoming a reality. According to some estimates, by the year 2020 there
Continue Reading Are You Prepared for the Next Information Age?

Written by Eamon Holley, Legal Director, and Mohamed Moussallati, Legal Consultant, both based in Dubai, UAE

Drones (also known as unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs) of different shapes, sizes and specifications are definitely one of ‘the’ gadgets of the year and over the last few years have become increasingly available

Written by Isabel DeObaldia

A client this week asked me to help him with a source code license. What started as a simple request with crafting a paragraph inevitably grew due to the concept of “blocking intellectual property.”  While I would argue that the document is still “simple”
Continue Reading What is ‘Blocking IP’?: Why You Should Care When Licensing Source Code