The sci-fi fascination with AI is well established, long in the tooth and a lazy way of looking at the opportunities (and moreover the threats) presented by AI. But perhaps these once-fantastical ideas are rapidly becoming technological reality. That legislators, including the UK’s House of Lords, are looking seriously at

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On 31 August 2023, the UK Parliament’s House of Commons Science, Innovation, and Technology Committee issued its interim report (“Report”) on the governance of artificial intelligence (“AI”) – a matter that has for some time been the focus of policy development across the world. The report

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Hard or soft law?

That the regulation of Artificial intelligence is a hot topic is hardly surprising. AI is being adopted at speed, news reports frequently appear about high-profile AI decision-making, and the sheer volume of guidance and regulatory proposals for interested parties to digest can seem challenging.

Where are
Continue Reading Regulating artificial intelligence: Where are we now? Where are we heading?