Last week, World Menopause Day spotlighted a critical issue impacting half the population. The UK government estimated menopause costs the UK economy 14 million working days annually due to women taking time off due to some of the debilitating symptoms. These include hot flushes, insomnia, low mood and/or anxiety, problems

Continue Reading Hot Flush: FemTech Solutions for Women’s Health

You wake up early to the sound of an alarm that only exists inside your own head, and it is silenced automatically as soon as you’re awake. You get up to shower and the water is already running, at exactly the temperature you like. While drinking your coffee you receive

Continue Reading Regulate your thoughts: the age of brain-machine interfaces and the neural lace is almost here

For the past few years, the UK Government (the “Government”) has grown to acknowledge that the increasing prevalence of AI within the public and private sector has led to the inescapable impact of its behaviour on the UK public. In many cases, this has been met with favour,
Continue Reading AI, algorithms, and accountability: UK government announces world-leading pilot on algorithmic impact assessments in healthcare