The DLA Piper Internet of Things group just launched a series of webinars on legal and business issues of the Internet of Things.  The first webinar will cover the Business and Legal Framework of the Internet of Things and will take place on Wednesday 22 April 2015 from 3.00 to 4.00pm UK time.

In order to tackle the massive potentials of the Internet of Things, DLA Piper created a global Internet of Things group which includes 70+ partners of our firm.  The Internet of Things market needs expertise from different areas of law and therefore the members of the group are experts not only on tech and sourcing and privacy matters, but also, among others, on telecoms, intellectual property, cybersecurity, life sciences, open source, media, commercial, product liability and advertising law issues.

We already discussed on this blog about some of the legal issues of the Internet of Things and this first webinar will provide an overview of the Internet of Things market and the critical legal issues in this developing market such as privacy, data ownership and use, software licensing, cybersecurity and liability rules.  Subsequent sessions will cover areas including The Role of Open Source, Connected Cars, Smart HomeseHealth and Wearable Technology, more details will follow.

The speakers of this webinar include myself Giulio Coraggio together with our colleagues Giangiacomo Olivi and Mark Radcliffe and our guest speaker, Dr. Stan Schneider, CEO, Real-Time Innovations, Inc. who is on the Steering Committee of the Industrial Internet Consortium.

The webinars are free and delivered to your desk.  You can access the slides on your PC and access the audio presentation by freephone number. There will be an opportunity at the end of each session to ask questions.

In order to register to the webinar, you need just to click HERE.