First introduced in December 2020 by the European Commission, the European Cyber Resilience Act (“ CRA”) regulation was published in the Official Journal on November 20th. It will come into force on December 10, 2024, but will not be immediately applicable. Most obligations will only apply as from December

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In Hungary, the NIS2 Directive was transposed in May 2023 following the adoption of Act 23 of 2023 on cybersecurity certification and cybersecurity supervision. Under the Hungarian legislation transposing the NIS2 Directive, domestic entities have until 30 June 2024 to register.

As the title of the new Hungarian legislation indicates

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Since the enactment of Singapore’s Cybersecurity Act (Act) in August 2018, the digital battlefield has transformed dramatically. The nation’s move towards digitalisation has not only spurred the growth of Singapore’s digital economy but also brought new cyber threats and challenges to the fore.

Given this, the Cyber Security

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In March, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) released a report, “Cybersecurity of AI and Standardisation,” which details the landscape of existing, planned, and considered standards pertaining to the cybersecurity of artificial intelligence (AI). The report identifies several gaps in existing approaches to protection of digital infrastructure

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The technology sector faces a critical moment as economic signs continue to point to a possible downturn. Yet, despite this, our latest Technology Index findings show the industry has managed to remain optimistic thanks to forecasts of increased revenue and ESG opportunities.

As a firm, we launched this unique report

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The technology sector faces a critical moment as economic signs continue to point to a possible downturn. Yet, despite this, our latest Technology Index findings show the industry has managed to remain optimistic thanks to forecasts of increased revenue and ESG opportunities.

As a firm, we launched this unique report

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The proposed Cyber Resilience Act seeks to establish fundamental requirements for all products with digital elements and thereby ensure greater cybersecurity

On 15 September 2022, the European Commission presented its proposal for the Cyber Resilience Act (Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on horizontal

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Since its inception 30 years ago, the Computer Misuse Act 1990 (CMA) has acted as the primary legislative sword and shield of the UK against a threatening, and ever-growing, cloud of cyber-enabled crime. It is no longer the case that those exploiting an organisation’s threat-vectors exist in dark basements wearing
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In the wake of several high-profile cybersecurity incidents, President Biden yesterday issued an “Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity.”

The Order sets forth new requirements for federal agencies and government service providers and addresses topics including updating government contracts to remove barriers to sharing threat information, modernizing federal government
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