It’s fair to say that Aotearoa New Zealand’s approach to regulation (and empowerment) of the rapid adoption of AI-enabled solutions has been conspicuous in its absence to date. New Zealand’s Privacy Commissioner is the only regulator to have released substantive guidance for businesses adopting AI-enabled solutions (see our thoughts on

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With great fanfare, and a Herculean final series of negotiating sessions stretching long into the night, political agreement on the EU AI Act was reached on 8th December 2023. This marked a big step closer to the first major piece of legislation regulating AI and its uses coming in

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Synthetic data is a subject (at least for the uninitiated) encircled in a layer of scepticism and uncertainty. While synthetic data has existed for some time, the manner in which it is being utilised has evolved substantially. As with all novel implementations of technology, there are always teething problems and

Continue Reading In defence of synthetic data: how synthetic data can be used as a privacy-enhancing technique during the early stages of an AI system’s lifecycle 

Data is often the fuel that powers AI used by organisations. It tailors search parameters, spots behavioural trends, and predicts future possible outcomes (to highlight a just a few uses). In response, many of these organisations seek to accumulate and use as much data as possible, in order to make

Continue Reading Keeping an ‘AI’ on your data: UK data regulator recommends lawful methods of using personal information and artificial intelligence

In its proposed AI Regulation (“AI Act”), the EU recognises AI as one of the most important technologies of the 21st century. It is often forgotten, however, that AI is not one specific type of technology. Instead, it is an umbrella term for a range of technologies

Continue Reading Data protection regulators publish myth-busting guidance on machine learning

As the tech world continues to discuss the future of AI regulation, it is important to remember that there are already robust legal regimes that impact the development and launch of AI systems, including the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”). AI systems which fall within the GDPR’s

Continue Reading Data Protection Impact Assessments meet AI: Smart questions for building compliant AI systems that use personal data


With the implementation of the Consumer Data Right (CDR) in the banking sector (known as ‘Open Banking’) well under way, the release of draft amendments to the CDR rules for the energy sector, and the continuing development of the framework for implementing the CDR in the telecommunications sector,
Continue Reading Consumer Data Right pipeline to cast a wide net

Ann Ford serves as US chair and Global co-chair for DLA Piper’s Client and Sectors and was the immediate past US chair and Global co-chair of the Firm’s Intellectual Property and Technology Practice Group. Ann advises clients on business and transactional aspects of intellectual property, as well as representing them
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Victoria Lee co-leads DLA Piper’s Global Technology Sector and has been practicing law at DLA Piper for more than 25 years. She focuses on representation of emerging growth and public companies in complex technology and commercial transactions in the technology sector, as well as a variety of other industry sectors.
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by Jim Halpert, Andrew A. Kingman and Andrew Serwin

As the business community takes stock of the 2020 election results, it should place particular significance on the passage of Proposition 24, the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), by about a 12 percent margin. The CPRA makes significant changes to
Continue Reading California ballot initiative passes, significantly altering the California Consumer Privacy Act