Many regulations and related guidelines have been adopted during 2017’s first semester in relation to roaming services. However, it is not very clear whether connected devices and related IoT connectivity services fall within their scope.

Telecom operators providing cross-border roaming services to their end-users have been pretty busy recently navigating
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By Florence Guthfreund-Roland and Mathilde Hallé

On October 27th, 2015, the European Parliament adopted Regulation No. (EU) 2015/2120 “laying down measures concerning open internet access and amending Directive 2002/22/EC on universal service and users’ rights relating to electronic communications networks and services and Regulation (EU) No 531/2012 on roaming on
Continue Reading EUROPE: New Telecom Package Promoting Net Neutrality Principle Adopted on October 27th, 2015

By Florence Guthfreund-Roland & Mathilde Hallé

On September, 11th 2015, the European Commission launched a new public consultation on the evaluation of the legal and regulatory framework for the electronic communications sector.

This consultation follows the Commission’s communication on the “Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe” dated May, 6th 2015,
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By Florence Guthfreund-Roland & Mathilde Hallé

After months of discussions, it is likely that the new so-called “Telecom Package”, expected to come into effect in 2015, will indeed prohibit telecom operators from charging customers additional fees for intra-EU roaming.

In accordance with the “Europe 2020” digital strategy promoted by the
Continue Reading EUROPE: The End of Roaming Charges in a “Connected Continent”?

By Florence Guthfreund-Roland & Mathilde Hallé

By June 17, 2015, all African countries should have completed the transition from analogical to digital radio transmission of TV and radio signals.

This deadline was set by the Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in the 2006 Geneva Agreement (GE-06). The
Continue Reading AFRICA: On the Way to Digital Migration

By Carol Umhoefer & Mathilde Hallé

On July 22, 2014, the French Data Protection Authority (“CNIL”) found that a luxury car rental company had failed to comply with the French data protection law with respect to the implementation of a customer geolocation system. In particular, the CNIL considered that the
Continue Reading FRANCE: The French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) Orders a French Company to Pay a EUR 5,000 Fine for the Non-compliance of its Customer Geolocation System with French Data Protection Law

By Florence Guthfreund-Roland & Mathilde Hallé

The TF1 group has petitioned the French media authority (the “CSA”) to swap its LCI news channel from pay to free DTT, based on the provisions of a new law adopted on November 15, 2013 which granted the CSA the power to authorize a
Continue Reading FRANCE: The French Media Authority Refuses to Authorize TF1 to Swap the LCI News Channel From Pay to Free DTT

By Florence Guthfreund-Roland & Mathilde Hallé

On April 10, 2014, the Court of First Instance of Paris found that VIAGOGO, a Swiss company operating a website selling sports tickets on the Internet, had no right to sell tickets for a French soccer game organized by the French Professional Soccer League.
Continue Reading FRANCE: A French Court orders a Swiss company selling French game tickets over the Internet to prevent French Internet users from accessing part of its websites