As the tech world continues to discuss the future of AI regulation, it is important to remember that there are already robust legal regimes that impact the development and launch of AI systems, including the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”). AI systems which fall within the GDPR’s

Continue Reading Data Protection Impact Assessments meet AI: Smart questions for building compliant AI systems that use personal data

The proposed EU AI Regulation, a comprehensive regime for the purposes of regulating AI in the EU, is set to impact organizations around the world. It is expected that the proposed regulation will be enacted in 2024 or 2025.  Once that happens, those that make AI available within the EU,
Continue Reading Coming EU legislation will change the AI regulatory environment for healthcare technology and life sciences companies

The European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) has published Guidelines 5/2022 on privacy issues in the use of facial recognition technology by law enforcement agencies.

Below are the most relevant points set out in the EDPB’s.

Facial recognition technology

Facial recognition represents one of the most innovative and revolutionary technological inventions
Continue Reading Facial recognition: the new EDPB 5/2022 guidelines are online!

The Hungarian Data Protection Authority (Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság, NAIH) has recently published its annual report in which it presented a case where the Authority imposed the highest fine to date of ca. EUR 670,000 (HUF 250 million).

The case involved the personal data processing of a

Continue Reading Record GDPR fine by the Hungarian Data Protection Authority for the unlawful use of artificial intelligence

The world is currently in a state of unprecedented data availability. Within the financial sector, and indeed every other sector, organisations have found themselves with an abundance of data and information that they can use to better navigate the changing face of commerce. In many ways, this is incredibly helpful.
Continue Reading Financial Conduct Authority issues call for input on AI, synthetic data, and financial services innovation

On 10 November 2021, the UK Supreme Court in a unanimous judgment allowed Google’s appeal against the Court of Appeal decision granting Mr Lloyd permission to continue his representative claim (i.e. a US-style opt-out “class action”) against Google. The judgment brings very welcome clarification in a rapidly evolving area of
Continue Reading Lloyd v Google – Supreme Court Judgment – report and impacts on data protection and mass claims in the UK


On 30 September, the Competition and Consumer (Consumer Data Right) Rules 2020 (Cth) were amended[1] with the aim of lowering barriers of entry to Consumer Data Right regime (CDR) participation, as foreshadowed by the Australian Treasury’s prior proposal in April and related exposure draft legislation released
Continue Reading CDR v3: Australian Treasury moves to expand access to the Consumer Data Right regime